Wednesday, January 31, 2007


So, tonight i went through some troubles. it was a long night for me. After spending a fairly decent evening with my girlfriend I come back to my dorm only to be hounded about my beliefs in God. Now, I love these people, but it is really frustrating to talk to people about things they can't seems to apply common sense towards. I hate all this "what about evolution" crap and "science proves it", well guess what, science proves creation too! Its called creation science, and if you're gonna argue your points on evolution do your homework first and actually look at the other side of the freaking arguement. I have done my research. I know about evolution. For Pete's sake you HAVE to learn it in highschool, but NOBODY ever looks at the science behind creation. And when they do, they just take what they hear from other evolutionists and say something like "Oh thats just a load of crap" Well, same to you evolutionists! You want a valid arguement do the research yourself and make your own judgements.

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